Scranton Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Service

July 21, 2009

One of the thankless jobs here in Scranton (or just about anywhere else) is cleaning carpets and upholstery. After all, the results are, too often, dubious and need to be done over. That’s because picking the cheapest service for carpet and upholstery cleaning means surface cleaning with shampoo and chemicals. Surface cleaning that leaves a residue which ends up attracting more dirt is most often the real problem.

How nice would it be to select a cleaning service that actually takes pride in its work and overdelivers when it comes to results? A cleaning service that specializes in deep cleaning and removal of all the chemicals and dirt is worth more, in the long run.

If you’re a budget-conscious business or homeowner, don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish. Do a bit of research and find out which methods of cleaning fabrics and carpeting are recommended by the manufacturer of these furnishings. After all, they have a vested interest in making sure you are a satisfied owner of their furniture and carpeting. That’s how word-of-mouth advertising works in their favor.

The key is deep cleaning, with a minimum of chemicals like shampoos (which can leave behind a sticky residue). Carpet and carpet fiber manufacturers recommend “Warm Water Extraction”, “Hot Water Extraction” or “Steam Cleaning”. These methods are the only cleaning method that can be termed deep cleaning. All the rest are just surface cleaning, which sometimes add chemicals to make the carpet look “brighter”. These optical brighteners end up creating a yellowish “cast” to the carpet over time.

You can save yourself time and effort locating the best Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Service in Scranton. Just go to

Scranton Short Sale Preforeclosure | Home Foreclosure Remedy in Scranton

July 10, 2009

The stress and anxiety of preforeclosure can be very high, if you can see no way out of your dilemma. Here in Scranton, property values can actually be less than the value of the mortgage against them. If you are in default, that makes things look hopeless.

Take heart! There is a possible remedy to your foreclosure: the short sale. In essence, you do your homework regarding the market value of your property, the amount of your mortgage and then negotiate with the lender to accept less than the amount of the mortgage.

Obviously, there’s more to this than the simple “what to do” outlined above. You’ll need competent advice from a professional regarding all the implications of a short sale. Further, you may need the help of someone skilled at negotiating with banks and lenders.

The details of your particular situation will determine if you even qualify for a short sale. In some cases, the lender may decide that a foreclosure is in their own best interest. In other cases, if there is no serious hardship on your part, the lender may not be inclined to consider such a deal.

Your best bet is to contact someone in the Scranton area that is practiced in the execution of preforeclosure short sales. Talk with someone who will listen with compassion and give you straight answers regarding your particular situation.

Keep in mind: the worst thing you can do is to simply let your home go into foreclosure without taking any action at all. Empower yourself: find out if a short sale preforeclosure in Scranton is the right step for you to take.

Designer Shoes Scranton | Runway 410 Spruce Street 343-3334

April 18, 2009

Runway at 410 Spruce Street in Scranton (343-3334) is the place to go to get your shoe fetish on! That’s because Natalie Wilchinski, owner and operator of Runway, knows all about that particular fetish.

Natalie started the business because of her love for fashion. Despite being a full-time physician’s assistant, she decided that she just had to do what she loved, too. Naturally, she has help from family and an employee to keep things running when she can’t be there physically.

Natalie has a keen eye for fashion trends and stocks what’s hot. Business is good, despite the current economic climate, because she has built her business out of passion, not just catering to a rich clientele.

This young entrepreneur is looking to expand her business online, with an e-commerce store in the near future. She’ll still keep serving her local market at the Scranton store, but wants to extend her reach beyond the confines of NEPA.

Store hours are from 10 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Saturday, with extended shopping hours on Thursday ’til 7 PM.

Runway Luxury Footwarethe place to indulge your shoe fetish! Call 343-3334 for directions to 410 Spruce St. in Scranton.

Scranton Music Store | Wade’s World Music 570-207-8733

April 4, 2009

Used Accessories, Amps, Guitars, Drums, PA Band Equipment — Buy, Sell, Trade and Rent. That’s the blurb for Wade’s World Music in Scranton. Now, here’s the skinny, the 411, the inside poop on this guy and his business.

Wade Whitney does business the old-fashioned way: personalized, personable and looking towards the future. He builds relationships, not just his bottom line. Sure, he’s in business to make a profit, but not at the expense of his reputation.

Band equipment isn’t the only thing you’ll find here. Wade’s World is a place where you can hang out, try out the gear and speak out about what’s happening in music, the area and whatever else is on your mind. Musical instruments are the focus, but aren’t the only thing that merits attention.

I go there for the guitars, accessories and the like. That’s because I’m a guitar player (duh). However, on any given day, you’ll find folks looking at drums, pa equipment, bass guitars, amps — even cowbells! Okay, there aren’t a lot of cowbell types dropping by…

Now that Wade has opened up an area in the back of the store for trying out gear, it’s actually possible to have a coherent conversation in the front while some guy wales on a guitar he’s thinking of buying. That, in itself, is a major improvement!

Those of you looking to rent band equipment, whether it’s for a gig or the school band, Wade can accomodate you. Drop by the store at 1509 North Main Avenue and check out the selection. You just might find the cowbell of your dreams!

Hair Color in Scranton | Salon Brigine for the Best Hair Color in Scranton 570-344-4410

January 28, 2009

Salon Brigine (570) 344-4410 is the best place in North Scranton to get your hair colored or highlighted. Who am I to tell you where to find a great hair colorist in Scranton? Okay, I don’t color my hair. In fact, I like the whole greying-at-the-temples, salt & pepper thing that my hair displays. I do know that right up the street from me is one of the best hair color experts in the area. That’s because Bridget Foley, owner and operator of Salon Brigine, does a brisk business in enhancing the color of her other client’s hair. All she does is cut mine.

This savvy entrepreneur decided to open her own hair salon about three years ago, after six years of work for another salon which became, well, tiresome. She kept detailed records of her clientele, ended up managing the promotion and advertising for her former employer and had the desire (and guts) to strike out on her own. With the help of an accountant, she fashioned a business plan, got business loans, bought the building that houses her salon and renovated the space in a way that speaks volumes about her sense of style.

Now, she’s not desperate for business, by any means. In fact, she can’t always accommodate walk-in trade. That’s why, if you’re interested in sampling her services, you’d be well advised to call ahead for an appointment. She’s a one-woman shop, specializing in hair exclusively (at this point). While she may expand into makeup, nails, etc., for now, she’s just “bangin’ hair”.

If you’re in North Scranton, take a look at Salon Brigine at 1837 North Main Avenue in Scranton. Better yet, call for an appointment — 344-4410. Chances are, you won’t be able to just wander in and get immediate hair color happiness. She’s in demand…

Scranton Chinese Food | QQ Chinese Restaurant in Scranton

January 16, 2009

QQ Chinese Restaurant (341-8111) in North Scranton is definitely one of the best-kept secrets in NEPA. That’s too bad, because they create and deliver some of the best Chinese food in the area. You can only suppose that they’re still relatively undiscovered because of the most powerful force in the Universe: Force of Habit. Most folks call the restaurant they usually call for everything from pizza to, well, Chinese food, out of habit. Seldom do they actually try a new one or revisit a previous “test case”. That’s because people, in general, are wary of change.

That’s a shame, really. I patronize QQ Chinese Restaurant for two very good reasons:

  1. I’ve tried delivery from their competition, and it didn’t measure up
  2. They’re right down the street from me 😛

The food has always been consistently good and the preparation time is as fast as any other Chinese restaurant I’ve tried. The one time I got something that was not up to par (some shrimp toast that was a bit rancid), they took care of the problem immediately and there’s never been a repeat of the problem since. They also do Japanese sushi and sashimi. I’m partial to the sashimi, myself, and the preparation and presentation is as good as most Japanese-run sushi places!

Finally, there’s Amy. She’s the youngest member of the family-run business and the front woman you’ll most likely speak to when you call in an order. She is unfailingly polite and kind. She took the trouble to learn my name and uses it whenever I drop by and she’s handling the cash register. All other things being equal, Amy is the reason you should patronize QQ Chinese Restaurant.

Their hours are:

  • Mon – Thu 10:30 AM to 10:30 PM
  • Fri -Sat 10 :30 AM to 11:30 PM
  • Sun 12 noon to 10:00 PM

Call them at (570) 341-8111. Order your usual Chinese food and either have it delivered (if you’re in the area) or pick it up yourself. Even better, dine in. With a bit of luck, Amy will wait on your table…

P.S. They’ll even accept your credit card over the phone!

Scranton Tattoos | Tempest Tattoos in Scranton, PA

November 7, 2008

A tattoo used to be something that only sailors and undesirables wore — sailors, for identification if lost at sea and “undesirables” as a badge of (dis)honor. Western culture (and those who presided over it) just didn’t cotton to the idea of permanently marking your body that way. There was a brief surge in popularity of this art form at the beginning of the last century. Winston Churchill’s mother was alleged to have “a fashionable tattoo of a snake twined around her wrist”.

Then came ’60’s cultural icon Janis Joplin. Her wristlet and rose tattoos reached out to the one group of people who had the kind of influence that changes culture: women. Once young women realized that this kind of body art was a way to make a statement about their liberation, the floodgates opened.

No longer the exclusive province of the salty and suspicious, tattoos and body art became mainstream — somewhat. Now, housewives, judges, celebrities and just plain folks are opting to have their bodies decorated, in either a public or private way.

The explosive growth in the industry has also lead to improvements in the visual aspects of tattoos. Artists now have technical and fine arts backgrounds. The pigments used in today’s body art represent a quantum leap in the fine detail and shading that can be achieved. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic is a current favorite among tattoo artists.

Tattoos are also a way of permanently creating cosmetic effects. From filling in missing eyebrows to giving a woman the perfect shade of lip color that NEVER rubs off, tats can be “invisible” as tattoos. Want a birthmark that nature never delivered? See your tattoo artist!

While some may feel that tattoos are tacky, low-class, and a sure ticket to Hell, others do not. The decision to get your body adorned is one you will have to make yourself. Me, I’m sticking with the original design.

Scranton Mortgages | Mortgage Lenders in Scranton

September 15, 2008

Scranton ranks near the bottom of areas that were subjected to sub-prime lending abuses. Those mortgage money lenders who promoted bad loans to good people were mostly out West. Nevertheless, even fixed-rate mortgagors in this area are at risk because of the sub-prime lending debacle.

Formerly friendly and flexible mortgage brokers are now taking a hard look at the credit and income of those who want a first or second mortgage (or who want to refinance an existing home loan). They’ve become wary of being perceived as too careless by those institutions that provide the money for mortgages — the mortgage lenders.

“Creative lending” is also taking a beating. Owners who formerly would have been willing to take a part of their equity as a loan now may not be willing to offer a first or second mortgage themselves. They want money, not just “mortgage money” that could be a future headache for themselves.

Your own credit score and income now matter more than ever. A good credit rating and sound, reliable income are the two most important considerations in today’s mortgage market. If you want something other than a fixed rate loan, it’ll be more difficult than it was just a few short years ago to get an ARM (adustable rate mortgage) or “interest only” mortgage.

Naturally, a healthy down payment will also affect your ability to get the kind of home financing you desire. The more money up front you pay, the more likely it will be that a lender will offer (or accept) a non-traditional loan package.

Check out Scranton Mortgages and discover the best way to get the mortgage you want at

Plumbers in Scranton | Scranton Plumbing Services

September 13, 2008

The city of Scranton began as Slocum’s Hollow, back in the late 1700’s. Isaac Tripp, the first settler, built his house in 1778 — which still stands today. I can guarantee you one thing: the plumbing in that house isn’t 100% original!

Unlike newer areas in the US, the construction here in Scranton runs the gamut from post-Revolutionary to pre-fab homes that date to this year. That means that there’s a variety of plumbing needs, both for residences, buildings and industrial plants. Add to that the effects of mine subsidence, legacy sewer systems and old municipal cold water pipes and you have a ripe market for the full spectrum of plumbing services.

There may not be any lead pipes left that deliver water — but I wouldn’t bet on it! In fact, some of the older homes and buildings in the area have been neglected for decades. This means that there may still be the potential for a buyer to discover that tearing out the old pipes and replacing them with copper piping will be a necessary cost to include in the purchase.

Refurbishing kitchens, bathrooms, bathtubs, sinks and showers is also a vibrant business. Those homes that date back to the Roaring ’20’s now have leaky pipes and faucets, inefficient shower heads, toilets that consume more gallons of water than needed and the need for a host of other plumbing repairs.

Fortunately, there are skilled plumbing contractors ready to assist the homeowner or building owner with whatever needs to be done. Just take a look at Scranton Plumbers in The Scranton Front Door Pages for the best plumbers in Scranton here:

Paving Contractors in Scranton | Scranton Paving

September 12, 2008

Paved roads in Scranton have a variety of insults that other areas of the nation don’t suffer. For one thing, the freezing and thawing that the North-East experiences leads to “wasting events”, as they say in geological circles. Water expands as it freezes and acts as a wedge, turning tiny cracks and imperfections in paved roads into major cracks and potholes.

Then, there’s mine subsidence. The “Anthracite Capital of the World” is riddled with abandoned mines. The land here would look like Swiss cheese if it were cut open and displayed in a big hunk. Add to those giant worm-holes the eroding effects of underground streams and rivers, and you have sudden, catastrophic drops in ground level. They’re called mine subsidence, but they’re really more like trap doors that suddenly spring open. One day, the ground is solid and seemingly substantial. The next, it’s 30 feet lower than it was.

Add to that the wear and tear of several centuries of traffic, which has become much more weighty in the last century. Original roadbeds that were meant for cart and wagon traffic now have to bear up to 40 tons of tractor-trailer loads and heavy construction equipment that was unimaginable back in the Good Old Days.

Now compound the problem with speed. Today’s roads are traveled at speeds which would have been the stuff of fantasy in the days before asphalt, motor cars and trucks. Roaring ahead at even a mere 25 miles per hour (40 kph) will do damage to a road that our forebearers did not have to deal with. Old-fashioned Macadam roads simply cannot stand up to the gusts of wind that faster traffic generates.

Tarmac was one road paving solution to the problem (covering macadam with tar). Asphalt paving became the Gold Standard for permanent roadways in the mid 20th Century. Concrete paving for high-speed, high traffic roadways was popularized during the growth of the Interstate Highway System.

Scranton Paving Contractors deal with all of these problems and solutions on a daily basis. Visit, and see which one decided to be more than just another construction zone in the road!